I saw this on tuesday it was much different then I expected but I really enjoyed it.
From what I’ve read most people seem to hate the third act, but for me it was the best part not that the first two were bad but I really liked the ending. If I had to pick the weakest act I’d say it was the first, in fact around the 20 min mark I found myself hoping that the whole film would not be like what I was then watching. I’m glad to say it really picks up. For the most part I found the first act was just a string of unfunny jokes that did nothing to really advance the plot, I loved the fact that here was this superhero who is really good at saving people but always gets butchered because of the amount of damage he does to private and public property. That part I liked but I lot of the jokes fell a bit flat in act one for me still enjoyed the visuals though (whale hitting sail boat).
However after the first act it really picks up shortly after Hancock decides to go to prison and rehabilitation for anger and alcohol, a plan set into effect by Jason Batemen’s character Ray Embrey, hopes are that when Hancock goes to prison the city will realize how much they need him.
The third act is more focused on the friction between the three leads, Ray and his wife Mary (Charlize Theron) and of corse Hancock (Will Smith), this was my favorite part; while there was plenty of good action I found the quiet dramatic moments between the three (all of whom have excellent chemistry, good casting)to be the best part of the movie.
This movie will probably get a lot of hate from critics but I think it will do pretty well at the box office with the July 4th release in the States. It’s a fun summer blockbuster and entertainment wise out of what I’ve seen this summer I’d say it may be one of the best.
The plot was a little to twisty. But it was a cool idea and they really pulled it off well in the beginning. The ending was a bit weaker but overall I liked it.
[QUOTE=BS;2353940]I didnt like it because it had so many plot twists.[/QUOTE]
Why does everybody hate the plot twists? If you found them cheesy or stupid or poorly done then I would understand but you said you did not like it because of the twists, twists are a good device.
They weren’t sister and brother… they were created together and were husband and wife. They weren’t angels or gods, that is just what more primitive civilizations thought they were.