how old are you. i havnt seen spiderman but sounds good as you had mentioned.
Spider-man was a great movie but the next one will be even better. No time has to be wasted with back story. I can’t wait for DareDevil and Hulk to come out. They are going to be sweet. Have u seen the teaser for Hulk it kicked ass.
U have to download the teaser it is so cool. It is going to be one of the best comic movie ever. Do u know when the matrix sequels come out?
Daredevil is going to suck though… I predict. I wish it wouldn’t… he’s one of the better marvel characters.
Anyone ever read the origional TMNT comics? They elluded to the idea that the same substance that mutated the turtles had given daredevil his powers. (just an interesting bit of trivia I suppose)
Spiderman I really enjoyed (as I’ve said). Watched it again (6th time now) this past weekend.
Here u go phil
Hey david why do u think daredevil will suck? I saw the preview and its loking pretty sweet.
two words: Ben Affleck
People thought Tobbie Mcgware was wrong for spiderman and look at how well that turned out. We can only hope he doesn’t screw it up. Plus jenifer garnner as the enemy.
ohh lala
actually, as soon as I heard I thought that he would be good for both peter parker and spiderman. As far as Afleck goes, I think that he could do a decent Maddock, but I’m just not sure that he can pull off Daredevil.
Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
spiderman ruled… i got pretty much the same feeling from watching the film as i remember getting from reading the comic.:beam:
not sure about daredevil tho, my least favourite actor cast as my all time fave superhero:-\