Just go see it, it was AWESOME. I am 100% biased because hes my favorite super hero, but even if I put that aside it is an amazing movie.
Such good action in it, and the plot was really good.
If your a very anal retentive person that nit picks every detail of a movie then you will have a ton to talk about (once you see it you will know what I mean).
Graphics were pretty decent, but a few times at the start in small scenes I questioned the time put into the effect.
[spoiler=“After the Credits”]What the heck is up with Samuel L. Jackson the film whore >.< Anyway, does this mean iron man is in the upcoming avengers movie =D ?[/spoiler]
Hes one of the original members and in comics right now he’s their leader, hes basically all superheros leader read civil war you will :love: it one of the best crossovers evahr
Yeah spidey can also be part of the group since he’s part of the team as a reserve but not a founding member, those would be hulk, thor, iron man, wasp and ant-man.
Since hulk is coming out in the next few months lets see what happens at the end of that movie it might have another hint of whats to come.
[quote=grimdeath;2327639]Yeah spidey can also be part of the group since he’s part of the team as a reserve but not a founding member, those would be hulk, thor, iron man, wasp and ant-man.
Since hulk is coming out in the next few months lets see what happens at the end of that movie it might have another hint of whats to come.[/quote]
I’m not big on the superhero movies but I heard good things about Ironman from EVERYONE, so I went to see it. I’m so glad i did. It was great. All the the little gadgets and doo-dads were awesome. His house was so sick. RDJ played a great part.
I was part of the crew that didn’t stay to the end for the credits. so thanks grimdeath for posting that.