Yo peoples, this is my newest photoshop.
The girls name is hannah apparently, i went to google and typed in “face” and saw the image and it just struck me as the perfect image to zombify. SO HERE IT IS
and the result
please feedback ^.^
Yo peoples, this is my newest photoshop.
The girls name is hannah apparently, i went to google and typed in “face” and saw the image and it just struck me as the perfect image to zombify. SO HERE IT IS
and the result
please feedback ^.^
Ha ha ha :lol: ahaha ha :lol:
that is so funny! if it is meant to look scary you have failed but i love it! :beam:
i loved the mashed up teeth
lol, umm, perhaps the cracks and stuf are abit blury? i love it tho, pretty funny, lol
lol nah it wasnt meant to be scary. i did it for kicks ^.^
You have succesfully scarred me for life.
Thought it was my mum for a second…
You’re mum’s like 8 years old?.. o…k.
It looks like her face is made of concrete
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