Happy New Year

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable new year
no joints, rolls, meth, or any other stuff yo mamma wouldnt approve of
beer i will left up to the discresion of the user :stuck_out_tongue:
be safe
dont die
my two wishes for ya

why could it be the governor of florida
if not i have absolutely no clue

might it be you
the allmighty world dictator
looks like alot of politicians i know

omg It’s new years eve. why didn’t anyone tell me. I seriously forgot!

Is it david, It’ looks nothing like him but it’s called dave_devil.jpg

nah, i dont look like that!!


i sure hope not:P

I know I know! He is the newest addition to the WACOM family!

:o Who could this be, only the North Koreans will know :stuck_out_tongue:

Why is everyone saying it’s newyears?

That’s a pic of me, not him.

it would have been named Dave_devil.jpg if it were the other dave.

it aint upuaut that’s for sure. He wouldn’t be caught dead in a getup like that.

lol… Yeah well… Here is the party look outs for tonight…

Who’s Coming?

6 guys
12 girls

What’s to Drink Sonny?

2 cases Natural Ice (bottles)
1 case Smirnoff Ice (bottles)
1 5th of Jack Daniels
1 5th of Jim Bean
1 5th of Gin
1 5th of Vodka

I think we went kind-a overboard… But I think we are expecting on being durnk for… mostly the netx few days… lmao…

But… No driving of course… If you’re gonna drink… Ditch your keys someplace safe and drink in moderation… Sure… Have fun… But do it wisely… Don’t be a moron who drinks WAAAY too much and ends up in the hospital… Cause I really don’t feel bad for people like that… You know your limits… Don’t push em…

Have Fun
Be Safe
Listen to irish Music while playing Twister with Drunken Coeds


Screw Natural Ice, keg beer is the best! :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t tell the po-lice I am 17 :beam:

I want to have some fun and not be too crunked, I save the hard alcohol after all the fun stuff. :wink:

If my parents ask you where I am, tell them you saw me at a church new years eve gathering :stuck_out_tongue:

im having a shietty new years… didnt find a party in time… having one of my own… its gonna suck, really bad.

otherwise, you ppl are getting it all wrong, its new years eve DAY

yo pj you got AIM we got a chatt goin if ya wanna join

Lets see… party tomorrow, lets give a roll call for what I have lined up:

1 keg: Serria Nevada (Pale Ale)
24 bottles: Champagne
12 bottles: White Wine
3 1.7L Bottles: Absolute
2 1.0L Bottles: Jack
…among other random bar needs, etc., etc… I cant wait!!!
Oh and dont forget about the other possible party favors, but not posted here (dan…:wink: )

Have a super fun, and safe New Year!!!


philman… I totally agree, my father was hit head-on on the freeway ( he was going about 70, and the other about 90)… it was a drunk guy in a van that came over the median and smaked my dads low sports car… well, he’s still here (24 broken bones and 8,000 stitches later [yes 8,000])… so as you might think I have an extream negitive view on driving under the sauce.


PS the guy that hit my dad skipped out to mexico and screwed everyone. Just a nice tid-bit (if you cant tell I’m a bit bitter!).

Either way the party will be fun, and no one that knows me would dare get behind the wheel after drinking - Period.

Scrappy Flew Beer!!! :crazy:

I think I started celebrating a bit early :beam:

LOL, really, I think by now almost everyone knows where I stand on drinking, drugs, and driving while on both if you choose to do any of those. But if you do choose to do any of those… have fun screwing up your life :wink:

Haha have a safe and fun New Year’s everyone. I wonder how much Kirupville will expand in 2003. I saw we make it all our resolutions to kick Flashkit’s arse…


Happy New Year everyone!! Hope you all have a safe, successful, and healthy 12 months :smirk:

Kirupa :ub:

It’s the stroke of midnight in east Australia, happy new year to everyone living in the gmt + 10 zone

Happy New Year Everybody!
9 hours left! <— for me that is… and everybody in my timezone! :slight_smile:

ummm this is strange! :-
I have the computer time on GMT+2 and it says it’s 3:00 PM
The forum-time here is on GMT+2 too but it says it’s 2:00 PM!:!:
:sigh: :x