
some lady took out a $7000 page ad in the Toronto Sun today to Jean Chretcien (sp) talking about how he should have supported the americans.

$7000, what a rip off.


that would be so funny.

I wanted gore to win.

but the ultimate question is, would gore crack under the pressure of going to war?

*Originally posted by Majeye *
<strike>[sarcasm]</strike> Im glad some people still have money to throw around.

I am currently saving up to take out an ad that says, “We should have voted for Gore” <strike>[/sarcasm]</strike>

there is a place for War and Politics in the Ultimate War and Politics thread hehe =)

I think Bush rules. Man I hate gore.

I am, of course, talking about small shrubs, and the graphic display of blood and killing.
tee hee… me thinks mes funny

I think Ad’s are cool… i mean with out Ads the mathematics would be unballanced, it would just be subtracts.


$7000 dollars could have purchased a week’s supply worth of liquor for some of Torontos homeless.

Imagine if a private citizen had $7000 dollars and wanted to take out a full page ad that supported the french presidents decision.

Would you see it in the newspaper? :alien: