Has Arnie slipped up?

rofl. That crazy Arnie.

Why aren’t they blaming SNL?

Well, whatever he was able to do, the budget did get passed: http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=aiJPsS1i66y0&refer=us. Guess the “girlie men” finally delivered :stuck_out_tongue:

CG - If you blame SNL, you may be part of their parodies! I don’t think the legislators want to be mocked on an extremely popular TV show that will probably make them look like girlie men played by the female cast members :hugegrin:

wow this Arnie guy just can’t stay out of the press


any comments :h:

He then took up acting and is now the Governor of California.

that sentence cracks me up.

The “girlie men” thing came from a SNL skit where two guys tried to be tough like arnold and called everyone girlie men…

It was Hans and Frans. I think it was Kevin Neland and Dana Carvey. Anyway, in one episode, they had Arnold come out. It was great!