Has Arnie slipped up?

Read this


And then tell me, do you think Arnie should be criticised for what he said? Has he really insulted gays and women?

or has this been blown out of proportion by his enemies?

Blown out of proportion! If some people are upset by “girlie men”, they have greater self-esteem problems to worry about besides what Arnold says. To me, this seems like another example of a person - the senator - telling a group of society to feel offended because he/she thinks it is offensive :stuck_out_tongue:

I say give Arnold an award - a spot on SNL…or something.

I would love to see Arnold on SNL. Has he ever been?

Anyway, yeah it has been blown out of proportion. It means a weak man, not a gay man. To me that carries no homosexual connotaion whatsoever…

The California governor said: “If they don’t have the guts to come up here in front of you and say ‘I don’t want to represent you, I want to represent those special interests, the unions, the trial lawyers…’ if they don’t have the guts, I call them girlie men.”

So would that make Arnold a ‘girlie-man’ if he is not willing to come forward and say, ‘i represent the Rothschilds?’

This is a classic!!! People are so d@mn sensitive these days!

Haha…Girlie Men…

People are so d@mn sensitive these days!

I agree 100%! If somone offends you, get over it!

By the way, what’s up with him those days? Politically, I mean?

I too agree, terminator wasn’t wrong for saying it. It wasn’t meant toward gays, women, etc.

Yeah everybody seems to agree, it’s been blown out of proportion

ack, those **** democrats…

He’s governor of California :slight_smile:

HA hahaha… ha ha hahaha so funny…
yall like Arnalt, don’t cha? He rocked as an action hero ya…?
Ohhh he definately slammed the democrates alright,
and he called them P_ ss _es,
If I am not mistaken, that what girlieman means…
Arnies not on TV anymore, he is in Poli Tics now, he has to watch what he says just like everyone else,
what he did was akin to me insulting you and putting a smilie face on after I did it.
Should he get in trouble? yep… they are going to bash him about a bit then, then it will go away, but I bet he won’t make this mistake again…
“girlieman”… he he

Arnie is the man. :thumb:

Whoa what is it with you peope, if “girlie men” isn’t a clear enough reference to gay men, what is!?

That was sarcastic if you couldn’t tell, lol, this really is way too blown out of proportion… Him on SNL though, it would make my saturday night!


In this day and age you cannot be an TV with a mic in front of you and not offend somebody somewhere. I doubt Arnold is homophobic. Anyone that poses in oils and a small swim trunk in front of thousands of men is not likely to be homophobic. Just my two copper Lincolns.

I wonder who put the oils on his back before the contests… HHmmmm
Arnolds must be Gay…:hugegrin:

Just kidding… Arnold isn’t gay… No no
But the “Rock is”… :stunned: ;(

The state of California elects a governor who has made a career out of entertaining people. I mean, seriously, what do you bloody expect?

this is blown way to hell, It’s just the way arn talks people…

"I wonder who put the oils on his back before the contests… HHmmmm
Arnolds must be Gay…:hugegrin:

Riggght… All bodybuilders do this to show the definition in their muscles… Its not gay you wack…

If having muscles is gay, then I’m as straight as an arrow.

(Okay, I’m a little quee-ah).

hes one hard working dude, that arnold… And he only wants whats best for california.