Hawk design // v1 // freedom



did you want some feedback on that little intro? :-\

I don’t think it’s loading the rest of the site after the intro, maybe it’s just me…

ahh yes, i forgot to explain sry…

all this is so far is the intro lol
i would expect that to confuse some people seeing that they didnt know…

and yea, if you wanna comment that would be cool


Nice so far :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

There’s not much to critique on, but it looks good =)

one thing though! The big blue text is selectable! maybe it’d be better if it was just a graphic!

wow dude so far so good! and yeah syko i noticed that too.

pretty cool

the beginning horizontal line threw me off though…didn’t know the movie extended that far…also the hesitation before it flies off of the screen…is a little jerky…i see the effect…but its a little too jerky…

i like the colors and the shapes a lot. perhaps if the background color was different?

good work.

Yeah that is really jerky…i think a higher fram rate would do it…

yep, looks good so far, as i say on almost everyones thing i see (maybe im mentally slow or something) it could use a touch higher frame rate to speed things up a bit.