Hello all.. meaningless greetings and such

Just fiddling around on line, which I do so little these days and I figured I’d stop by the old stomping grounds to pass on a “hi” to everyone. I hope everyone is doing well and that the forum is running more smoothly now.

My new house is doing well… though it’s like a second job…
Went to Prague this year, had a blast…
My brother who we all thought might be gay got married… (to a girl)

All in all, everything is well and my mental recovery is coming along swiftly since I have taken a real hiatus from online communities. Heck I’ve almost managed to quit smoking which would be a great benefit.

Peace out Kirupans, Much love from your opinionated stuborn missing mod.

PS I’m playing CoH. If anyone else is playing this, look up Synoptics on the Victory server.