Hello Every one
Well i am a new user here. not know much about flash either. just fond of it i guess. as you can see from my nick that i am a Dum person so it takes me long to understand things. this is me first post to any of the msg bords or forums what ever you call it. and i was thinking may be some one can help me in getting familiar with all the functions their are on this forum.
Hi welcome to kirupa and the world of internet forums in general. If you are interested in flash this is a great place to learn and develop skills. The members here are very helpful and friendly (unlike in some other boards I’ve been to), So if you need help just ask no one is going to say your dumb or anything.
Hello! welcome! I have one question
Are you from Pakistan or is there a place called Paksitan?
ah! welcome my good friend! lol hey we are like one big comunity here. just start asking and answering questions and people will help you. JUST HAVE FUN!
and by the way, syko, i am going to take your #16 posting spot soon:P.
16 posting spot? I’m 16th? From where can you see this?
well… I miss all the good and easy-to-answer threads cuz I have school :*(
But I post as much as I can when I come home
i am 13! lol. in the member list, click top ten, then one page over.
i will beat you by today most likely cause i got no school, elections:P
10 more and i got ya!
i hate this 30 second rule!
Hehe… In 9 more posts I hit 900!!!
I’ll take Kirupa’s 4th place!! hehehee…
Oh, and WELCOME D.D.B.!!!
There are 370 registered users with 0 post:-? That’s just seems really weird. I’m 38 on the post list 37 soon.
Oh and I just lost my 100th post the thread it was in (Phil’s) mysteriously disappeared.
Sometimes posts oddly dissapears… hm… :-\
Wha? Am I missing something here?
What post? What’d you tell me?
:q: :q: :q:
Dumb question. Where do you find the post stats?
Dearest All (its difficult to name each one of you)
i am overwhelmed by so many, good, replies from you guys the are very encouraging. And give me felling that even the Dums are heared with patiance.
Any ways this msg is basically a thank you note and to answer some of the “Queries”
Syko- Pakistan is a country in Asia
Andy- your closing note is good.
Phil- there is no spelling mistakes either.
And guys do le me know if it is the correct way to send msg in reply or shall i be sending PMs next time or shall i hve new Threads and so on so forth. Advice me in all the prospects which you consider is useful and will be helpful for me. once again Thank you all