Hello..I am new

Hey everyone! This would be the second time I post on these forums. I am just getting into using my computer for something other than rotting my brain…(witch is fun also) I have a few friends who are flash addicts and i figured i needed another addicition anyway, so here i am hopeing to learn from some of you.

well good for ya! :slight_smile:
Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

thanks bro…just to warn everyone…i ask alot of questions…hehe

*Originally posted by padawan *
**thanks bro…just to warn everyone…i ask alot of questions…hehe **

Welcome to Kirupa, I hope you’ll stick around and feel free to ask plenty of questions. One word of advice though when asking questions, please be very discriptive about your problem, provide as much info as possible. It would help us help you. =)

hey… another tip, search if youre question was asked before on the forums, this saves you and us a lota time =):beam:

sure will, i am still trying to read a good portion of the forums. just so i don’t ask a question that might have already been answered…:beard:

Welcome and enjoy

the phorce is strong in this one huh Phil?.. Could he be the one to bring balance to the farce?

or I could turn into the evil flasher and wipe out all flash…8]

dang i did that wrong…oh well

*Originally posted by padawan *
**or I could turn into the evil flasher and wipe out all flash…8] **

Hmm, I doubt that will happen.

Because if you turn evil, you have all the best flashers going against you… YOU WILL BE ANNIHILATED!!!

:bad: :evil:

BTW: Welcome to the board :beam: :ub:

but if i turned evil…wouldn’t i be Vader? it will take you 3 episodes to get rid of me…son…i am your father

But I am not luke, and the power of the force on the good side is stronger in the Flash world :evil:

padawan, be careful, we all carry trout nunchucks and being smacked with a trout isn’t a pretty sight. :crazy:

I carry a trout sword!!!

::swish… swish… SMACK:: Oops, sorry Electrongeek :sigh:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**I carry a trout sword!!!

::swish… swish… SMACK:: Oops, sorry Electrongeek :sigh: **

See that padawan? Watch out, Lost is a lunatic trout swords man!!:bandit:

My skills are improving though… I think… :sure:

Hey padawan,
Welcome to the site! I’m sure you’ll have a great time here. Always remember to carry some tranquilizer darts (a la Jurassic Part style) for your own protection from some of the members here coughelectrongeek and phil cough =)

Kirupa :ub:

oh no, my life is over, I’m being affiliated with the dork of this forum, Phil!! Ahhhhhhhhh!! :o

you have a point…i promise i will not turn evil…at least for a while…ok?