Makaveli_Da_DoN slaps kirupa around a bit with a large trout*
Makaveli_Da_DoN slaps Phil around a bit with a large trout*
Makaveli_Da_DoN slaps dan around a bit with a large trout*
Makaveli_Da_DoN slaps lost around a bit with a large trout*
just wanted to get an irc type feeling going on over here! i was gonna slap everyone in this forum but i got lazy then i didn’t want to create a program or whatever taht would chg simply the names and wat not so forgive me if i didn’t slap you around with a large trout :ninja: :pirate:
hurting defenseless fish is tottaly inhumane, but hurting tansexual worms is perfectly okay!! i mean who eats worms but plenty of people eat fish =) sorry terrortist worm :rambo:
I’m sick and tired of being used in this way and treated as an inferior lifeform. The underwater revolution is reaching fruition and no-one shall be spared it’s wrath. The true masters of the Earth shall claim what is rightfully theirs.
A large trout slaps the whole forum around a bit with a white-collar worker*