Hello Kirupa People!

Im new :wink: …

any ultrashokers around here?

Congrats Kirupa, very nice site, known it atleast for around 1 year, never had the chance to sign up.

Umm… Nope… Don’t see any… Welcome… I see you met the phorum conspiracy artist… Mister Jay Philbertonson.

I myself… am playamarz, buddhamarz, or just marz… I hang out here, Server Side and Web Developement…

Have a joyous stay… :slight_smile:

Hey starlite,
Welcome to the forums, and I am glad you like it. I’m sure there a few ultrashockers, were-here…ers, as.org’ers, and even flashkitters here :wink: It’s a small world after all.

Kirupa :panda:

Welcome to kirupa forum :chinaman:

Welcome to Kirupa! :bu:

I was an Ultrashock member, until I was banned from an angry mod I am not sure why but I was.


uhmm, well anyways, Thanks for such a kind welcome. Hope be a help around here.


Welcome! and don’t forget to set your clock to kirupa time!