Making the jump from ultrashock

booya. this is my first post on kirupa. i’m a long time ultrashock forum poster, but the macs in my college’s tech lab don’t handle their forum well, so i’m making the jump to the kirupa forum. i plan on visiting these forums a lot now :slight_smile:

always been a huge fan of the tutorials, now ready to be engulfed by the forum :slight_smile:


Oh please, macs handle their forums fine.

What system are you running?

Welcome anyway, but lets get to the problem of htis mac issue, there is nothing wrong with their boards for me (Panther, on a 12" PowerBook)

edit: dont get me wrong, awsome that you are here, i just am the resident mac lover/cult member, so i was hopin to help you out at the same time :smiley:

What browser? Connection? OS?

Booyah to you, too, my friend.

i heard booya in a song i was listening to while i was regisering, but now that i think about it it was probably kinda rude :red:

hansel: i heart macs :). why do you think im in my college’s mac lab instead of in my room on my beast of a PC? regardless, the college’s mac lab is running with G4’s at a 400mhz i believe? not sure, but it takes me 15 seconds + to load each and every forum page on ultrashock because it’s all made in flash.

to enforce my point, the header for kirupa has a hardtime showing up.

boo: my school’s too tight :slight_smile:

hmmm… interesting. is your title under your name, prstudio, flash? if so, does that as long as the external link points to a .swf, it supports flash?

Servus! :slight_smile:
Hope soon the macs in your college won’t be the only reason why you stay here.

_k+: What browser though? I 400mhz is a bit low. oh well though.

What OS? sounds like 9?

9.2. I.E … 5.1 i think? regardless, it sucks lol.

There’s your problem. lol. IE lol, to bad you dont have OSX with safari, thats where it blazes

Hey k+!
Welcome to the forums :wink: I’m sure you’ll have a great time here!

Kirupa :rock:

Welcome K+

I see you already had a chance to meet Hansel the forum Mac propaganda minister…

[SIZE=1]…down with macs!..[/SIZE]

calls rape to get RB in troubble
sticks toung out
shakes Jobs’ hand



edit: Mike, tutorialforums? (your footer)

my title is an upgrade from the kirupa A.I.
something you will soon learn about.

Hey k+!
Welcome to the forums I’m sure you’ll have a great time here!

im very sure you’ll enjoy it better here than at [us], everyone there just keeps spamming and there doesnt seem to be help alot around when asking q’s. But of course tutorials and websites there are exceptionally great :wink:

cheers and enjoy,


Well I have never had any problem accessing ultrashock.

But then why would I want to when over all Kirupa is much better !

I give unltra shock two things.

Their own intro collection.

Have some nice source.

Seen both, no reason to go back. :smiley:

[font=Arial Black][size=6][size=7][color=darkorange]Welcome _k+ ![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=dimgray]hope you enjoy your stay.[/color][/size]

lol welcome to the forums

Yes! Heil Macintosh i say to you.

I hate tutorialforums, they are just a bunch of wussies.