
aw hell, I won a cd worth 200$ once on caligari.com!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by bit-101 *
**i gave away a copy of flash mx studio last month and will be giving away a copy of fresh flash in a few days. and gave away a copy of flash math creativity a while back. might be able to do the same thing again. **
Yeah? Well I donā€™t think itā€™s for me this month either :

By the way, if you wanna vote this month, itā€™s there: Bit forums. And donā€™t choke when you see deliMIterā€™s file.

pom :asian:

Curse this time difference, once again Iā€™ve joined this one a little bit late.


Er, yes. There you go. Umā€¦ Hi.