keith from here.
pom (ilyas) has been talking up kirupa over at my site, and apparently talking up my site over here. i’ve been getting a ton of traffic from this way, so i thought i’d stop in and say hi and see what’s over here.
Wauw… THE bit-101 on the kirupaforum!
Let me be the first to ask (since many probably will). Are u planning on releasing more tutorials?
Your tuts are so easy to read and understand… I’d love to see some more advanced ones too…
Oh, and of course: Welcome to the forum
?? Kirupa posting at Bit-101… Bit posting at Kirupa… faints
Hey bit-101!
Nice to see you here =) Your tutorials are quite nice. I remember from way back attempting your Creatures tutorial, and just noticed from your books section that you contributed to Flash Math Creativity. Great writing!
Kirupa :bandit:
Merry met sir… of course, I’ll just say the same as many… you’re site has been both a help and an inspiration to many of us Flashers… thanks and keep up the good work.
*Originally posted by ilyaslamasse *
**?? Kirupa posting at Bit-101… Bit posting at Kirupa… faints **
someday when were-here and flashkit and ultrashock get old and die, bit-101 and kirupa will be the big flash forums. then we can have turf wars. until then, we can be friends!
*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**Wauw… THE bit-101 on the kirupaforum!
Let me be the first to ask (since many probably will). Are u planning on releasing more tutorials?
Your tuts are so easy to read and understand… I’d love to see some more advanced ones too…
Oh, and of course: Welcome to the forum **
yes, there will be more. eventually got to get to part 2 of the creatures… :-\
i just signed on (as of this afternoon) to write a chapter for another friends of ed book. so i’ll be busy for the next few weeks…
Hey it is nice to have you here Bit. I am a great fan of your work.
You are right though, I hear a lot of people are getting tired of the were-here and other big flash forums because people are rude and they don’t always get their questions answered. We don’t get too many complaints here. Being that this is the only forum I am involved with I can’t speak on what the others are like. I was thinking about joining the bit-101 forum, but most of the stuff there is too advanced for me right now so I won’t be much help. When I want to go further into Flash and learn more I will sign up at your forum:)
I eagerly await your tutorials, even if I have to wait 3 years:) They are definitely worth it.
Again, I am glad to have you here and I hope you enjoy the Kirupa Forums.
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
I was thinking about joining the bit-101 forum, but most of the stuff there is too advanced for me right now so I won’t be much help.
Hey don’t think that, Lost. Actually, someone there recently asked how to tweenI’m not making fun of him, it’s just that all the people there are not Robert Penner (or should I say Keith Peters…).
Btw, what’ll the book be about, if it’s now classified?
Again, I am glad to have you here and I hope you enjoy the Kirupa Forums.
Yep, if you have a preloader or a chromeless window problem, I think we can help you out
ilyas :asian:
Chromeless Windows
Problems with the MX Photo Gallery Tutorial (You would think they would know to offset they clip or change the registry point for it to work, but apparently…ah nevermind)
Yeah, we are experts on those by now.
Hmmm, I might sign up whenever I get more free time and have time to post on both of them. I peruse through it all the time, maybe it is time I should start posting there.
just don’t ask how to make a site like 2Advanced, or ilyas and i will beat you sensless.
I will beat anyone senseless who asks me that question too. As I stated before, there are about 2,476 sites that completely mimic the 2advanced style. It is considered unoriginal now and it drives me nuts when people ask how to do what they do.
I admit, its cool, but make your own site, not a copy. I think we should protest!
heavy breathing You ask that and I’ll cut you in pieces with my light saber [SIZE=1]made in Flash[/SIZE] heavy breathing
Darth :asian: [SIZE=1]For some reason, we French people call Darth Vader “Dark Vador”. Never understood why ?!?[/SIZE]
Same Difference…haha
*Originally posted by ilyaslamasse *
Btw, what’ll the book be about, if it’s now classified?
i don’t know how confidential it is. i think i can say this much: you know the “Photoshop: Most Wanted Effects” book FoED publishes? Take that and think Flash.
Oooo, sounds like somthing I might be very interested in!!
WOW, that sounds great.
If only I had money to buy all the Friends of Ed books (or at least one!). Being poor sucks…haha. It takes like a year or longer to save up for something. I saved up long enough for what I have, now I have to save for more…ARGH!
Oh well, someway, somehow, I am going to get money to buy some Friends of Ed books.
Heh, we should have a contest where the winner recieves a FoED book of their own choice…
Although they ARE costy… :-\
Anyway, if my cash comes through by friday, I might buy a few FoED books…
they usually do offer me a book to give away in a contest. i gave away a copy of flash mx studio last month and will be giving away a copy of fresh flash in a few days. and gave away a copy of flash math creativity a while back. might be able to do the same thing again.
if only I could even measure up to u guys just a little… sigh