The script worked fine. But then I noticed, when I tried to EXPORT my main MOVIE to a /directory (my rootweb directory/flash), the external movies would not show.
Now I tried to PUBLISH it from the FLASH MX2004, it worked. The external SWFs played seemslessly. Exporting the main movie won’t play the external SWFs.
Is this a BUG or did I miss something? A little help please.
Does that include putting the HTML file too in the same folder? Kuz my ROOT DIRECTORY is like this… I have my INDEX.html and the FLASH movies under /FLASH foler, I still dont understand why the external swf can not play.
Well, in the AS, I added loadMovieNum(“flash/dropdown.swf”,1); and it played.
Yes, if your index.html file is in the same folder as your .swf, and your index called for something in the “/flash” folder, then it would look for “root/flash/flash/dropdown.swf”
That really bothered me kuz I did place my SWFs to my /flash directory folder and my INDEX outside of it (in my root). Well anyway, I hope I can fix this problem, if it is one after all