(HELP) Importing videos into Fash 5

I can only import Quicktime (.mov) videos into Flash 5. How can I import other types?

i think there is a program convert avi to swf

becuase flash 5 does not accept importing avi

thx for the help. ive been searching for such a program but ive had no luck. i would preferably want a coverter of .mpeg to .mov. if u stumble upon such a converter please notify me. (-:

PS is that farsi in ur signature?

Adobe Premiere if you’ve got the money.

no i dont have the money but my “friend” may have the program.

wink wink nudge nudge yeeeeaaaah, we believe you.

Hey Nick did you ever get the program that converts the movies? I’d like to know more about it too.

well dear

i have the program in ARABIC

if you are an arabian it good otherwise sorry for that

wait your reply

*Originally posted by sdrawkcaB *
**Hey Nick did you ever get the program that converts the movies? I’d like to know more about it too. **

no i dont have it yet but my friend says he has it on a CD.

Ah, if you get it can you try and upload it for me?

go here for info on video conversion they got tons of tutorials and free apps that get da job done



thanks :thumb: does anybody know which exact program can convert .mov to .mpeg?

Or .mpg to .mov? I can’t find anything on that site. They’re mostly for DVD rippers and stuff.