Sometime ago i asked you to help me choose between 2 logos…I posted this bad examples of the logos roughly placed on random headers to see their acommodation…now i ask you to help me choose which layout is better for a portal i have to work on as well and maybe some of you may change their opinions about the logos. Again the layouts are not 100% done, all i need is your thoughts so i know in which direction to continue and also stop arguing with my ‘customers’ lol
layout 1 (the one i am mostly motivated to work on )
layout 2 (the one i have to work on, i started and don’t have inspiration and motivation, it’s like i am forced to …so i stopped it , it is not done at all, but you can still estimate from the colour scheme used)
and layout 1 modified so it has lets say more ‘easy’ colours for reading and not ‘interupting’ the text…
headers from first post…
I already asked on another forum, but i will more appreciate your toughts …