Help me: Making a site with tons of water effects

you cant expect to create like like effects like that in 26 days, thats just impossible. Do those kinda effects to make them look good you need something like after effects or a 3d animation program. Like someone else said, lifelike effects with just flash are nearly impossible- its hard to imitate perfection (I.E. nature).


Nature isn’t perfect…
unless you mean perfectly imperfect… thats the magic of nature, nothing in it is perfect, yet, its beautiful in its unique, unbaised majesty.

Anyway. I guess I can’t really expect to create the water effect on my site :stuck_out_tongue: Oh well.

im guessing your talking about something like this?

Best I can come up with (which I’m not really sure how it will look) without spending months on actionscript is maybe this. Go in a 3d program of some sort and make an animation of ripples starting from a center and fading out into nothing. Render all the frames in a size that will be large enough that if clicked on a corner of your flash movie, the ripples will extend all the way to the edges. Make your flash movie with a watery background in it. Then make a movie clip with all the frames of your 3d ripple animation in it. Code it so when a mouse clicks, you will duplicate the 3d ripple animation at the x,y of the mouse click and probably set 50% transparency on it or something… This could have an effect similar to what you are looking for if done right so the animation matches your background and stuff, but will be a file size hog. Other than that, your going to need lots of time and a good knowledge of Math for real water effects…