Help me please!

hi everyone,

i have a couple of action scrip questions and i would really appreciate some help.

1/ i have produced a cdrom and it opens full screen when you view the swf, when this has been burnt to cd i would really like the web browser links to be displayed above the movie…basically when you click on one of the links to view a website the user is not aware that a window has opened as my full screen movie does not allow you to see the window just opened, how do i make the broswer windows appear above my movie.

2/ does anyone know how to do what would be an “alt” tag in html using flash, basically when you roll over a button it comes up with a breif descrioption of what that link is

3/ is it possible in flash to make the cdrom an “autorun” cd, or is this done through the burning software used to burn the cd…?

cheers peeps, much appreciated and i would really like to thank you in advance.

mr blair

  1. perhaps you could scale the movie down so the window is visible, make it fullscreen again when the 2nd window exits.

  2. create a default “container” for the picture with a textfield in it, load the picture in it and scale to the right proportions.

  3. create a autorun.ini file and place it on the cd, make it autorun your projector (not swf).

check here for autorun info