Hi, I’m trying to create 2 seperate motion tweens - between frame 1 to frame 35 and frame 36 to 65 but it just won’t work.
From frame 1 I want a motion tween to frame 35. We shall call the graphic in frame 1, graphic 1 and frame 35 graphic 2.
Graphic 3 represents frame 35 and graphic 4, frame 36.
When I make a motion tween from frame 1 to 35, it overwrites graphic 3 and 4 with Graphic 1. It will not allow me to put graphic 3 into frame 35, only graphic 1. If i put it in, it will automatically swap.
When I make a motion tween from frame 36 to 65, it works. But then when I try to make the motion tween from frame 1 to 35, it swaps it over.
Can anyone tell me what the problem is and perhaps fix it for me?
I think I’m missing something really simple but really no clue what it is. I’m puzzled. :zipper:
BTW, I’m doing this in Flash 8.