im a beginner with flash mx. im trying to make buttons open up text, like an iframe. id like detailed help on this please!
Maybe this tutorial can help you
An easy way to do it if you don’t know actionscript would be to put the text content that you want in different frames of a movieclip, with a stop(); action in each Frame. Each “section” or paragraph goes in a new Frame and then the buttons tell the movie clip to go to each frame. (Don’t forget to give the MC an instance name e.g. “t_holder”).
The code for a button would be like this - say you want to go to frame “3”:
if(t_holder._currentframe!=3){ //note:"!="means “not equal to”
It checks to see if the movieclip is already in that frame, and if it is, it doesn’t go there - otherwise flash freaks out and goes somewhere stupid instead.
Hope this helps!