Help needed for a jpeg preloader... Agonizing

I am loading jpegs into a movie clip loader and need a preloader right before. I am using a simple transparency fader on frames 2-15, so would like to have the image completely loaded into the movie clip ‘loader’ before I start the fade.
Check out the link below. You can see that the images ‘pop’ in. They are displayed after the fader has passed by. This is really obvious when you are visiting for the first time and they haven’t been loaded into the computer cache, after they are loaded you can see the fader working quite nicely, as if they were ‘unveiled’ after being loaded in.
Any advice would be really, really appreciated.

The code I am using points to the ‘topleftloader’ movie clip from frame 1 of the ‘topleft’ movie clip. The fader begins on frame 2.

filename = [“01.jpg”, “02.jpg”, “03.jpg”, “04.jpg”, “05.jpg”, “06.jpg”, “07.jpg”, “08.jpg”, “09.jpg”];
path = “pictures/topleft/”;
i = filename.length;
k = Math.floor(Math.random()*i);
loadMovie(path+filename[k], topleftloader);
