Help Needed,hurry Qucik

Sorry for not intriducing myself first,but i need help real bad.I don’t know how this all of a sudden happen but my windows NT 2000 is asking for the ADMINSTRATOR password and i don’t know it nor do i have the disk cause i got this computer from my uncle and he has everything and he is in CANADA.So any way can someone tell me how i can disable it from asking me to log-in sort of like on ME etc… where it just starts up normal.Can i fix this problem like on Start-up confic,cause i can’t get into the control panle without the ADMIN password,HELP please…i really neeed it.

are you the only one who uses this computer?
also, try the default passwords like admin, password, etc
and try the passwords that you use frequently in case you accidentaly put one of yours on

Yes,I’m the only person who uses that computer,and i try password and ADMIN and still nothing works.Is there away to disable it from asking me to log-in,then i can change the password?

i think you can only disable it from the admin account…

Well is there away it can be done on start-up? like in the config mode?

i dont think so unless you have the winNT disk

cant you call him to ask him what the password is. This might just save a headach.


Beleive Me I Already did ALEX.

what did he say?


  • “Ow hi their sonny! How you doin’?”
  • “Geez, Uncle Sam, am I glad to reach you! I…”
  • “Ooh, what is it sonny? You seem agitated.”
  • “Yes! I need your he…krr…rrk…”
  • “What? What did you say?”
  • “I said I need yo…rkke…krkrk…”
  • "I can’t hear you sonny, you’re fading away, you’ll have to call me back later, sorry! click

Anyways, if I’m not mistaking, I’ve seen this problem delt with before on other forums (when I myself was experiencing troubles with my Windows XP). Just browse the net and search for “Windows Support Forums” and ask your question there or do a search and enter the keywords you specified above, like “disable admin password” etc…

Good luck man :thumb:

there are ways,

but ya never know if this is legit…

call me phil :stuck_out_tongue: but i’m paranoid about posts like this on the forum

oh gosh…no you just didn’t


i apologize if my post was innappropriate

i figured this thread would be locked and deleted if they didn’t want people telling him how to do it…besides, it was only a google search away.
