Help Needed - simple PHP email


Any help one the following problem would be much appreciated.

Im sending an email through PHP that is triggered by a flash application. The code worked fine until I tried incorporating a random nuber into the email.

My code is:


  [COLOR=Blue]$numb = rand();[/COLOR]

  $ToEmail = "";

  ##$ToName = "Player 1";
  $ToSubject = "Game results";

   $ip= $REMOTE_ADDR;

   $EmailBody = "Player's Name: $FirstName

Player’s Email: $Email

Chosen Charity: $ToCharity
Pplayer’s IP address: $ip

[COLOR=Blue]Redemtion Code: $numb[/COLOR]";


This message was sent by: ---------. If you feel that you recieved this e-mail by accident please contact me at ---------";

   $Message = $EmailBody.$EmailFooter;

    mail($ToName." <".$ToEmail.">",$ToSubject, $Message, "From: ".$FirstName."     <".$Email.">");


The areas marked with [COLOR=Blue]blue[/COLOR] are not allowing the email to be sent. The answer is probably simple, but being new to PHP doesn’t help me much…