I use this script for returning variables from a form in flash to an e-mail.
The problem seems to be that since the new versions of PHP some of this code may not work.
Can anyone check this code for errors and if, suggest another way around.
Thanks in advance (sorry about my poor english).
$ToEmail = "[email="me@mymail.com"]me@mymail.com[/email]";
##$ToName = "me";
$ToSubject = "mail form";
$EmailBody = "Sent by: $Name
Email: $Email
Subject: $Subject
This Message was send by: $Name de $REMOTE_ADDR if you think you received this e-mail by mistake please contact us at [www.mydomain.com](http://www.mydomain.com/)";
$Message = $EmailBody.$EmailFooter;
mail($ToName." <".$ToEmail.">",$ToSubject, $Message, "From: ".$Name." <".$Email.">");
Print "_root.Mail.EmailStatus=Your message is ok.";