Help on a few simple issues

First off thank you all for helping me in the past, and I removed my sig cause it was to large for fourm rules.

I made a simple preloader, it loads the page, but the preloader graphic stays on the page! lol here’s a link:

I want the graphic to disapear.

and on this menue system I have created:

how do I link files to the buttons, like I want pages to open when you click on the menue selections

and 3rd, how do I morph my logo, into text, or into another image?

thank you all very much
my email is, icq is 6033753 I’m on it all the time. I’m just looking for a tutorul or somone to get on icq to help me :tie:


#1 - for your preloader, is it on the same scene as your movie? If it is - than just put a key frame on first frame after the preloader would finish and delete the loading image.

#2 - to load movie clips - a simple way would be to create other .swf movies that are the exact same size as the stage you have already created and just use the _loadmovie command when you press a button. I would suggest having your menu load on level 99 and then having your movies that you link to through the menu load on level 1 or something. Just make sure that all the linked movies load on the same level because they will replace eachother. Like I said - this is the simplest way to do it.

#3 in order to morph anything all the objects have to be broken apart (ctrl + b) and then use the Shape tween, not the motion one. Be carefull though - it can really make the movie chug.

no I’m mostly looking for commands, it’s on another file loading my main swf<the preloader>

sorry I’m very new, do oyu mean layer? not lvl? so have my menue load on layer 99 so that it is always above the lower layers?
and I’m not sure how to make it where when you click on the button it loadsa something, don’t know that command


I mean levels, not layers. If you do any Action Scripting what so ever with loading movies you can select what level it loads on. Do some research on levels if you want an in depth lesson (they are very helpful for sure)

So what you could do is have all your sections made as Movie Clips. What I mean is, have your “contact” a seperate movie clip, your “portfolio” a seperate movie clip and so on… then just have a blank frame at the begining of each of those clips and drop them in your main time line and give them an instance name. On your drop down menus have it so that when you click on a button the “contact” movie clip goes to frame 2 and plays.

Before I go any deeper - do you understand what i have said so far?

yes I understand, I’ll read about levels, so something like this on the “sub button” in the menue, let using the contact, contact sub button


or something like this

but.onPress = function () {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 1);
loadMovie(“loaded.swf”, “container”);
container._x = 150 ;
container._y = 20 ;

let me play with these and read up on levels, then I’ll understand more…

and thank you much for helping me w/ a conversation makes this easier…

15 min later…
I tried using this

contact1.onPress = function () {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 1);
loadMovie(“”, “container”);
container._x = 400;
container._y = 400;
named my button under contact, that says contact, heh, contact1

this doesn’t contain errors, but it doesn’t do anything either :sigh:

anytime man, I am not the greatest with flash, but I do know a couple of things :slight_smile: Any more questions just ask!

yeah re-read my post above I edited it w/ more content :stuck_out_tongue:
can’t get that string of code to work and I think thats the code I need…remeber I’m brand new to flash, about 1.5 days now lol

nothing is working yet =((((((((((((
the menues, morping or loader =(