Need HELP fast!

Hey guys,

Im workin on my first site, ive never used flash before. I learned a thing or two from the tutorials here at the site but Im having a lot of issues with it still.

I have a main page with 5 buttons(profile, sketches, colors, and contact)
what i want it to do is that each button takes you to its page and when that page loads, it also contains buttons from were you can access the other pages. On the sketches and colors page i have thumbnails that work as buttons which i want them to open a new window with the enlarged thumbnail.

If you can help with anything please respond.
I appreciate your time,

alrite, you can either make the new pages in a new scene or fla. Each of them are different so you should decide which one to do.

the above tutorial should teach you howta link the pages :slight_smile:

and to link the thumbnails you’ll need convert them to symbols to be able to link em. just press f8 and choose movie, button or graphic :slight_smile:

Thanx, that really cleared things up for me=)

hey Blah !

you know the tutorial u gave me its great but !
one more thing !

you know when i use loadmovie action in that movie im loading can i put loader in the movie that i load so when it loads it gets the loader then the movie runs !

can i do that ?<:}

hmm, well i wasn’t too sure about what you just said, maybe you were too excited haha =) so anyways, i’m pretty sure you can put a preloader for each seperate fla, but not for each scene. is that what you were askin…?!

you have the main movie okay
secene 1 the preloader and secene 2 the movie that will be LOADED in the over MAIN movie when clicking a button on the main movie it loads the f.ex. it loads - News.swf - in News.swf there are 2 secene secene 1 is preloader and secene 2 is the news page !

can it be done ?:trout:

yep :slight_smile:

like that right?


thanx man !

the preloader tutorial is cool to thanx for the help and for the link ! :rambo:

no problem :trout: