can anybody help me with this ******!
Erm … what’s the problem ?
sorry its my preloader,
ive just tried to upload it but the file size is too big
its just that when I go onto the website the preloader doesnt come up
ive used the tutes and it looks like I have the correct coding, but looks like it loads before the preloader does?!
any ideas?
Have you got items in the library that are exported for actionscript in the first frame ? Do you use components ? Those are the two most common things that mess up preloaders.
ive used things from the library in the preloader like a logo do you think I should get rid and just have the basic preloader?
I dont know about components??
If they are in the library but they are not exported for actionscript, then there’s no problem with it. If it’s in the library and it’s exported for actionscript, but not in the first frame, then there’s no problem either. But if they are in the library, exported for actionscript and exported in the first frame, then that might be the problem.
Also, a preloader should be kept simple. It has to load the preloader too before it can display it. So if you use an image in your preloader, then try removing it.
cheers ill try that
I take it that the preloader has to be in the first scene also?
If I am loading each scene indipendantly and placing it on top of the last, is it better to put a preloader at the start of each scene?
I’ve never worked with scenes (I always work with external swfs), but that sounds logical
do you not feel that working with external .swf’s though is a lot more time consuming than just using scenes?
neways…thanks for the help!
No, actually not. I find scenes very annoying and external swfs are way easier to handle imo.