Can anyone tell me of a good action script tutorial like from the begening throug the end because I was triying to learn from the one from Flash but it is a little bit of complicated for a beginer like me .
thanks8] (-:
There is no beginning to end tutorial for actionscript, just tutorials on certain aspects.
Actionscript is a language of infinite possibilities, so you just have to learn it little by little and get the hang of it through experimentation and lots of reading.
You just gotta remember that it isn’t something you learn in a day, it comes slowly over time (depending on your learning speed). I have been using Flash for just under a year now and am still getting the hang of AS.
Ok I understand that but any basic tutorial that you would recomend me to start.or any website that explains pretty good besides thisone .
Here are some of the resources I use…
Not all of them are for beginners, but browse around and maybe you will see something useful
i’d say m8
once you start out with basic tutorials you will get hooked…i spent 33 hrs once on MX and my eyes havn’t been the same since
what you’d have to do, i’d reccommend, is start out with basic AS tutorials…learn the ropes of AS and how varibles are used to interact with the flash environment and produce neat results in the long run. Once you’ve felt like you over came the basics and can catch on to where you want to get on your own, i’d say experiment a little with what you know…and later move onto advanced programming…
it dosn’t come as simpler as that m8
good luck!
thank you lostinbeta and GarbageBadger
Oh, I almost forgot this one…
Good AS Basics tutorial.
I think that’s exactly what I wanted
thanks alot .
I just couldn’t resist to calculate howmany posts you do per day and that’s about 40post per day !!! man, you are an adicted person!! anyway thanks alot again
Heheh, it says how many posts per day in every users profile…
In my case it says “13838 (43.63 posts per day)”
And yes, I am a kirupaforum addict… I go through withdrawels when I can’t get to the forum within 24 hours :trout:
I bet you can’t make.63 post. but owell what’s up with I born dumb and will die dumber ? if you were dumb you wouldn’t be answering stupid questions like mine and before I go to sleep because it’s 1:22 AM where I live .Where is Philadelphia,PA whats the PA supposed to mean
Im not dumb dumb, just common sense dumb As the old saying goes “I would lose my head if it were attached to my neck”.
It is 3:30am here now. Philadelphia, PA is on the east coast of the US. PA stands for Pennsylvania.
Where are you from?
well I guess the dumb here its me I’m from Nebraska and I should know at least the what PA means sciense I live In the USA but World geography itsnot a thing I do well on it.
and is not past your bed time too???
one more thing can I put you in my buddy list?
Hehe, geography is my 2nd worst subject, just under Math
Nope, not past my bedtime yet… for an insomniac bedtime is never!!! mmmmwwwwaaaahahahaha :evil:
As for the buddy list thing, do you mean on the forum or on a chat program?
If on the forum… sure, but I would prefer if you kept flash related questions on the forum instead of my PM box.
If on a chat program… I am never really on so it really wouldn’t be worth it. I love my broadband, internet without the IMs (unlike AOL…grrr I hate them)
I won’t ask you questions on your PMbox because its kinda not cool to have tons of question that you don’t have the time to answer and thats why there is forums (I like privacy too).
I meant just to have you as a friend.and I better go to sleep if I don’t want to get imsomniatic like you :elderly: