Help - preloader

I have just followed the tutorial about preloaders by Kirupa but it has gone wrong. I followed the instructions exactly. This is what happens - once the preloader has done it’s job of loading the bytes the animation that follows just wobbles slightly and also the words movie loaded remain on screen.

Thank you


can you attach your .fla to a message please? this will help others to help solve your problem!

i had exact problem… every frame after the loader you have to REMOVE them… so highlight all the frames, after the first keyframe (the preloader) and right click and hit “remove frames” so it should be just one keyframe… hope this helps

Yes, That has worked. That’s great. I wonder why in the tutorial, we were told to add the keyframe that was causing the problem? Oh well, never mind. Oh by the way, An earlier reply to my message told me I should add the file for people. I will do this in future.

Thanks again