Help Regarding XML Guestbook tutorial on Kirupa

I have incorporated the following XML guestbook on my site and it works like a charm since its inclusion on my site


However , I wud like to have some expert advice on :

How to send a mail to me when anyone adds a message on the guestbook ??

I guess it is possible as whenever one xml object is send to the php file for processing by sendAndLoad function , it can also send a mail via php …
the code that sends xml data to php in this actionscript is

[COLOR=#000000]myXML[/COLOR].[COLOR=#000000]sendAndLoad[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]([/COLOR][COLOR=#666666]"processXML.php"[/COLOR], [COLOR=#000000]receiverXML[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000])[/COLOR];

can some code be added in the processXML.php which also sends a mail vial “mail” function in php ??
can anyone help .??