ok, here is the deal, my buddy has Maya 4.0 and i have MAX 5. he is always tellin’ me how much MAX sucks and that Maya can beat out any other 3d proggi any day. and he says i know nothing cause his dad is a 3d designer and he knows his stuff. well i want to know what you think, i want to know what you think is the best period. if you check ‘other’ please state what it is.
I voted for Maya, but actually I feel that it depends on the person using the program. They can all be used to create unbelieveable 3-dimensional visual effects, but their power rests solely in the hands of the operator. I don’t think either is really more powerful than the other in terms of what each can do. Anything one can do the others can probably do as well, but the process of achieving the effect may be slightly different.
I’ve never used any of them so I’ll vote ‘Other’ just to be different :beam:
- Soul :goatee:
can i vote for Microsoft PAINT?
lol just kidding…i don’t have any 3d proggies yet
lol mak if you use paint. then vote other, as long as you do 3d in it lol. jubba i agree but i mean just in general. i think 3d said that lightwave was by far the most powerful and ahead of the pack by a bit…
I voted Maya 4.5, and only because it’s the rising industry standard Mdipi :-\
It is, whether u like it or not
If I have to vote subjectively, I’d say max5, 'cuz it’s the only thing I know how to manage… sorta… :sure:
lol, yeah, i almost did too. see but he is saying that Maya 4 is better…but i said 4.5 cause i just wanted up to date opinions.
In my opinion, it doesn’t matter what software you have, it’s based on your talent. You can have an advanced 3D program like Maya and still suck if you’re not able to use it, while someone like Brian Taylor, the creator of Rustboy, who used a less known program called “Infini-D” to create an awesome 3D movie.
So when it comes to which program is better, I think the question should be, who has more talent and determination?
So mdipi, you should ignore what your friends say and concentrate on 3dmax since you’re comfortable with it.
yeah i totaly agree. but i am still in the “wow this proggi is so powerful it scares me” stage, so i am slowly coming to with it
mdipi, i thought you wuz learning Photoshop? …i would suggest you to stick with one proggy at a time
nah i am pretty used to ps now. i know it really well acctually…
Yah me too
I’m not a wiz in photoshop, but I know my way around
Similar to 3dsmax… I know my way around the interface, and most of the stuff… but I suck a modelling.
Even low-poly characters scare me… I always seem to mess it up