[help] Video Compositing computer specs

Hey all, I will be jumping into quite a bit of video editing very soon for my work and I have been told to gets some specifics for what sort of computer i would need to purchase to work with this video content.

Basically the work involves things like dvd titles and editing video from dvd to compose with audio/music and animation of text for tv promos.

Applications i will be working with are Premier pro2.0 and after effects 7.0 along with the usual suspects, Photoshop, illustrator…etc…

Keep in mind i will still work with web/print but i believe to have a computer capable of handling video it should handle web/print.

Also i’d prefer PC since we want to keep the pc through our internet.

Off the top of my head i was thinking:

Dual core 2 (dont know what mhz)
3-4 gig ram
2 quick hardrives (one dedicated to stratch disc)
Nvidia vid card (512 or 1gig)(would i really need 512 or can i get away with 256?)

  • the rest.

Any suggestion, links, experiences would be appreciated.