Help w/ flash buttons

I’ve never been here before and you’ll quickly see I’m a true novice when it comes to flash. I would like to make a button for a site that animates on mouseover. How would I go about doing this? Keep in mind…I’m not a programmer…

Thanks for any help!!=)

If you want to know more about animated buttons then read this thread and also take a look at some of the sample FLA files I posted as well. Maybe it will give you an idea, good luck. =)

I’m sure I’ve done something wrong, but when I tried to open the first attachment it was just a black circle with no apparent function. Is this right? Am I missing something? I tried to open the sample.fla file and got an empty window.

Thank again for your help and patience!!=)

The one with only the black circle uses actionscript for it’s rollover effect and this type of actionscript is called “hittest”.

Did you test the movie to see how it works? If you didn’t then open the file and press Ctrl Enter to test the movie. Roll your mouse over it and you’ll see that it changes shapes sorta.

Now to see the actionscript for it, just click on the black circle to select it then open your actions panel (right click on it for the menu and select actions) and you’ll see all the coding for it.

I hope that was a bit more clearer. =)

Let me clarify…I went back and looked again and I see that the black circle you have has a mouseover effect. I see this code…

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
} else {

But I don’t understand it at all. Like I said, I’m a true beginner and I don’t “get” code one bit. Is there a tutorial you know of, or can you tell me a step by step way of making this happen? Am I way over my head?


Ok maybe that’s a lil bit too advanced for you so let’s start with something more basic. Here are 2 links to tutorials that show you how to do rollover effects, hopefully these will help more. =)

thank you thank you thank you!!

I will go check them out right now. You know, my husband’s a programmer and usually I just ask him to do it, but now he’s in this “you need to learn” mindset so now I’m banging my head against the wall trying, TRYING to learn.

thanks again! :beam: