Animated Rollover Buttons for Flash MX

I tried creating an animated rollover effect on a button, but I cannot get the animation work. Can someone please assist me in this matter.

Let me re-phrase the question…
I want to create a button which has an effect in such a way that when a mouse is moved over it, the button sort of animates. This is to say I want an animated rollover effect for the button on the Over State.
Thanks in Advance.<:}

something like this? Hope that gives you an idea. =)

Well… what I wanted was something related with Words. You see I am making a Flash Site… And for the “ENTER MY SITE” button, I want this kind of effect. Can you help me?
Thanks in Advance <:}

could you describe exactly what effect you’re trying to achieve? I know you want a amiated rollover on your button, but what exactly?

I want to create a button out of text. Then I want animate that text (which is now a button) on the Over State. For example making the text fade in and out.

Theres a few methods to do what you want, but here’s one method. I made a movieclip containing the fade animation and I used the hittest to play the animation on rollover.

Thanks a Lot=)

no problem Alan, if you have questions then feel free to ask. =)

If I look at your fla file, why do you have stop layers in button for? What does that flag do?


*Originally posted by nodo *
If I look at your fla file, why do you have stop layers in button for? What does that flag do?

nodo **

Thanks for bringing that to my attention nodo, but the frame label and the stop serve no use in this particular setup. I took another sample file and modified it to do what Alan wanted, but I forgot to take out that stop layer. I did this late at night so I wasn’t paying attention. =)

Your site is awsome. I wish I have a skill like you.


He electrongeek, I notice this is for Flash MX, so why are you using hitTest?

You can do

on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {

MX allows you to use on handlers on movie clips :slight_smile:

Lost, you should know by now that I do everything the long and hard way, I’m still a n00b for cryin out loud, but I’m glad you’re watching my back and fixing my mistakes, thanks =)

EDIT: actually I used the hitest because it seems more sensitive to the mouse, when I used the rollover method, sometimes it wouldn’t work if i rolled over it real fast.

Hmmm, interesting.

Now thanks for that tip electrongeek :slight_smile:

I usually use the rollOver, but I don’t usually do complex rollOvers, so I never noticed a difference.

so in order for all this to work, you would make a button, then make that button a movieclip?

and lost, isnt electrons different cuz his plays in revers on rollout…yours doesnt, correct?

both, my method and Lost method works, I made a movieclip and used the hit test on it to play the animation inside that movieclip.