Okay, so I’m having an issue with my website design and as I’m relatively new to flash I can’t seem to fix it on my own. I know what I’m supposed to do, technically, but not sure how to actually implement it.
Below is a picture of my timeline:
What my problem is that the buttons for navigating my pages (bio, news, projects, links, etc.) are nested inside of my Navigation MC (on the Navigation layer) and so they appear in the timeline (at frame 20) before my content does (frame 70). Because of this, the buttons can’t be aimed at the content because their code is run before the content even exists.
I’m guessing that what I need to do is to instantiate my content at a point in the timeline before the navigation/buttons occur… but as the content is the last part of my loading animation, I’m not sure how to do that.
I read something about adding the MC’s but keeping them invisible, then making them visible again at teh appropriate time, but I don’t know how to do that or if it would somehow mess with my animation (everything fades in one item after the other, with the content being the last part).
I would really appreciate some help with this.