Help with Adding Thumbnails Tutorial

Hello everyone,

Just wondering if anyone could possibly help me out here. I am in DIRE need of sorting this out ASAP.

I have followed the tutorial and have got the scroller and everythig working fine with the XML and everything.

What i have done is removed everythig but the thumbnail slider portion as is only what i need. I however; have absolutly NO clue how to use that sort of dynamically assigned movieclips to assign actions to the thumbnails. What i want is when a thumbnail is clicked it loads an external swf into a holder, not difficult stuff. but because i cannot assign it direcntly on the stage like i normally would, i have to somehow do that through actionscript, but am completly clueless.

If someone could please please explain this to me, like how to change the tut’s code to do this i would be forever indebted!!!
