Help with AS3 movieclip referencing

Hey all, I’m somewhat new to AS3 and I am trying to make a reference to a movieclip instance that is in another movieclip.

Here’s the deal: I have a main timeline for different pages of a website…then within that I make all of the art on each page into a movieclip so I can do animations every time that main timeline frame is called to, yet still keep my main timeline clean.

Within one page’s movieclip I have a few buttons that I want to use to go to other pages by referencing them on the main timeline.

I have been using this: (home_about is the about us button on my home page, and frame 31 is on the main timeline).

home_about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_6);

function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_6(event:MouseEvent):void

Since this home_about is within another movieclip, I get the access of undefined property error. Do I need to change the code I’ve pasted above or add in variable definitions to fix this? If so, how do I do it :h:

Thanks! And sorry for the noob question haha…