Help with cube continous motion

I have this animation of a cube in the timeline with motion tween, i whould like to creat this continuos motion with action script but using the easing tween functions. If someone could hep me please, thanks in advanced

Sorry about my english

anyone please!:wasted:

anyone, i now this kind a newbie question, but can someone help please I:-)

anyone, :hurt:

anyone please ! :hr:

hello, I hate to not help anyone ask for help, but I tried to download your fla, it seems corrupted would you please send it again just send it as fla I think your file size is small

here it is, i hope you can help me

Anyone, i just want to now how i transform this animation into script using the tween function :sure:

Hello, I saw your fla now, understand what you are looking for , try this link it perfect :thumb2: for your requirements

I wish I have more time to make it ,


Thanks Molie :ub: