I keep trashing my website design because i’m never really happy enough with it. Designing not really my strong point, I’m pretty happy with this thus far.
Not going for a corperate layout, since I started school again, or at least for this version.
Now please be brutal, this is the only way I’ll get better at designing.
looks beautiful man! I don´t see a problem in the content area to be honest, the thing that I don´t like it´s the mouse logo, I dont know, its a little out of place maybe, u could use in the content area something like the graphics on the top but with an alpha of 60% or more, just barely visible great job :thumb:
berkoWitZ: yes i do agree with you about the mouse. see originally i created that logo for a different type of design. i thought maybe i could pull if off with this design, but i think your right.
Sharif: thanks for the comp about the header. do not feel bad for pointing out errors, in fact your right about everything you suggested. as a matter of fact someone else i know said the same exact thing.
body: yup, im going to take a look at that website you mentioned now.
thanks for the comments guys, i will repost the mods =)
edit: Berk, most likely this will be the HTML version, i will definatly make a flash one too, but first i want to see how happy i am with this design.
but regardless the menu will be in flash, going for an elastic bounce effect on rollover