hey zacus
:you need to have your footer online to be able to use it on the forums.
now to courses, i had previously completed a 3 year course at Hornsby tafe “Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design” and i must say it was a great learning experience, but as you might of known the course has changed now to what is called “Visual Communications”.
From what i know the differences are that some of the subjects and modules are more specific now. While my course provided a wide range of skills we really did not have a choice to pick a elective like web/motion graphics. While im sure the main aspect of the course stayed the same, but i believe that you can be more specific in what area of design you would like to dive into in the end of the 2nd year and whole 3rd year(actually i think that course now is 4 years).
Now the university vrs College (tafe) argument.
University is hard to get into, and especially if you have not had any art lessons or can’t show that you understand the basics of art/design. Not to say that you shouldnt try, by all means try, but i know from experience that its hard to get into. When i applied there was 800 applicants for 80 positions at one Uni, (university of Penrith, UWS).
University is more about theory, theory relating to design and it origins. I think this is great to know and can really help you put reason to your designs when in relation to colour / positioning / and theme-topic.
But why i liked Tafe so much was the fact that you get “down and dirty” into graphic design. You learn what you need to know to survive out in the design world. Survival tactics. Its a much more hands on and has more practical exercises. How i learnt was by real life situation projects given out by teachers, where we had to work with restrictions, work to a deadline and work to the clients needs.
Sure at the start of the course you will learn how to use the applications such as photoshop, illustrator, indesign and others, but its not really a course to teach you to be experts in application , but more a course to help you use your creativity and use the applications to develop a end result. It dosent matter how well you know photoshop, if your not creative and you cannot translate your idea onto a media, then it’s all a waste. You can always learn cool tricks in photoshop on these forums and by playing around with ps, but remember try not to get lost in ps and try to have reason and restrictions to your designs to allow yourselve time to complete it or you will be forever working on one piece.
this course might seem design heavy, as in more print related material and teachings, well it was when i was there, but from the changes in the course it seems like web has been incoporated into it much more. I think its really the best way around, to first be a designer and then jump right into web.
More specific course are more of a private college course which would cost you up to 15,000 dollarsAUS, although a great class my friend(completed the same course as i did) tells me but more directed to web- e-commerce and other web techonologies rather than design.
i can talk and talk forever, but i will stop, lol
i hope what i have said has helped you, my last piece of advice would be to go to your career advicer, and tell her/him what field you would like to get into, they should be able to direct you to something that you can read up on and help you make a right decision when the time comes.
also one more thing, when you have work experience (they are still doing that right?) try to get a place asap, call up 2 different design or web places, 2 different companies that handle 2 different types of web or design in relation to what area you have narrowed down your career direction, this can really help you in your final decision.
any more question, ask away and if i can help i will do so.