i’m having a bit of trouble with hyperlinks. i linked six buttons to six different scenes. however when i click on one, it either stays the same or loads a different scene.
anyone mind looking at my fla and telling me what i’m doing wrong?
I just took a peek into your fla….looks like you are a lil confused with the usage of gotoAndPlay.
the correct usage is
[color=blue]gotoAndPlay([scene], frame)[/color]
eg :
however if you want to got to and play a frame in the same scene then the [color=blue]scene name is optional[/color] but frame no or framelabel is a must…
eg :
What you have got on your button at the moment is
So what’s happening here is “home” is considered as a framelabel and not a scene name …that’s why you are getting all the errors…
So on the buttons you should be writing
Do the same with all the buttons code…this will fix up your bugs…
some suggestions:
1.the transition thing can be a movieclip symbol instead of a graphic symbol…
2.get rid of scenes instead use framelabels…use scenes only when 2 scenes are very much different visually(…the artwork…look and feel… etc)
You select the frame you wish to add a (Frame) Label to. In your Properties Panel you should see: <Frame Label>. Type your Frame Label in there… now, to target it:[AS]gotoAndPlay(“FrameLabel”);[/AS]Instead of using a frame number or scene name, you simply use the label you gave a frame, hence the name Frame Label.