Help with preloaders

I’ve experimented with making preloaders but they are just simple ones (testing if getBytesLoaded=getBytesTotal, then go to the start frame and play). I do that with movies with 1 swf.

Now I want to do a Flash site with lots and lots of sections and categories. If I use the same preloading method the user would have to wait for ages for all the MCs that contain my content to finish loading…

What I want to do now is to make each individual section/category preload independently. That is, if the user doesn’t even clilck on that section link, the MC containing that content doesn’t preload at all. How would I go about doing that? What’s the logic?

My supervisor suggested making lots of swfs (individual sections) and using loadMovie in the main swf to load those swfs. But what about the preloader? Or is there a way to use just one swf and preloading individual MCs that are in that main swf?

Is there any tutorial I can check out?

Thanks a million!

I think if you make a full site with seperate SWF files with preloaders, they will preload when you load them up. I have yet to do a site with this, but here is the tut:

thx fred!