Help with preloading

Yeah I’ve been reading your posts, please try to keep your spamming to a minimal. I figured I’d tell you before a Mod does.

Preloader for loadMovie - Try doing a search, this question has been answered before. Actually I think there might be a tutorial on this… either way, search.

And patrick, I don’t know why it would work sometimes and other times not, you got me.

wizard, why does my preloader start view after a while…
means that it just show up when 30% or something…

Hmm… i dun know… its prob geocities… i hate them…

do u know of a place where i can upload 5mb files or bigger other then gocities that would support my swf’s and html

I do not know. :puzzled:
Sometimes I notice one of my preloaders go from 70% percent straight to 100% so I just figure that a part of my movie loads very quickly causing a jump in my preloader. Maybe this could be the case with you.

Try, I’m not sure of their file size capabilities but I here they’re pretty good… worth a try at least. :wink:

thanks man…

FreeWebs accounts newer than 7 days are provisional and can only upload files up to 750K. Provisional users also can not upload .exe files. You can remove this provision immediately by signing up for a premium service.

i went on tripod and my movie it gets about 1 percent loaded and then it freezes

iits does the same on geocities as well

the reason is it has to load the first part of the movie for it to actually show the preloader so with large file sizes it can take a while…
change the code to include

containerMC._visible = false

at the start of your code where you have taken the rest of your movie out and put it into a separate movie called main.swf.

this way you have 2 files:
the preloader file, very small very quick to load,
the rest of your document, takes a while to load but will load into your preloader file…

note that you will have to fiddle with paths if there are any _root references in the main.swf…

and in the preloader code, change it to this:

bytes_loaded = Math.round(containerMC.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(containerMC.getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;
this.loadBar._width = getPercent*100;
this.loadText = Math.round(getPercent*100)+"%";
if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) {
	containerMC._visible = true

note that you will have to have a blank movie clip at 0,0 with an instance name of containerMC and on the third frame have it totally blank aside from the containerMC…

i dont think i missed anything but i may well have done… try it and if you get probs still feel free to lemme know :wink:


The most common reason why a preloader does not start at 0 is because things which are exported in the first frame like sounds,dynamically attached clips and fonts load before the preloader. Create a dummy frame (frame never seen)between your preloader and the main movie and drag instances of your sounds etc to this frame. Then go to the library,find whatever instance,click onlinkage and untick export in first frame.

i got it working… used a few components and they working

firstly…my preloader is on the different scene…let say scene Preloader and scene Main…
second…i don’t even put any sound to movie…

You should not use scenes for this sort of thing, they do not exist outside the flash authoring environment.

oh…ok…thanks strigy…i try it first…