hi guys
i have a slideshow i’m working on, you can see it here:
(click on ‘Clients’)
the client’s happy with it (ok so it only has two pictures at the mo…)
but they want it to display which picture it is on without the user having to do anything, so right now the thumbnails are buttons with mouse over states and i need them to show up as if moused-over when the slideshow is playing through on its own, to show the user where they are in the slideshow. sooo i made them movieclips and told them to show a different frame when they were reached in the slideshow, but then they lost their functionality as buttons. anyway what i’m trying to say is can anyone suggest a better way to go about this. have done some research and it seems like there’s no way in actionscript to tell a button it’s moused-over when it’s not physically…
any ideas?