Help with swapDepths replacement


Im trying to update an AS2 file to AS3 and am having trouble with the menu rollover. On the Mouse_Over of the ScrollPane in which the menu resides the text color and background graphic is changed–The main purpose of this is to allow long lines of text which are appended due to the width constraints of the ScrollPane to be revealed on Mouse_Over…
The problem is that previously I was using swapDepths to bring the overlaid button on the MC over state to the front–I cant seem to get any of the setChildIndex or swapChildren or anything to work. Because its not being brought to the front the labels underneath are still being displayed. The problem code is in the menuButton MC on frame 10(the over state)—

Heres the file Im working on:


ps. I just read how some people dont want to download files–I wish I could post the code, but I cant–that is, I could try to, but because the code Im having the problem with resides in a nested mc with eight layers(referring to instance names on various layers) I dont think it would make any sense…