Here is a quick one for you

Here is a quick one for you. I have just added a preloader to the start of my site, but it doesn’t seem to be visible when i view it. I don’t know if its cos of my broadband connection or not. But could someone let me know if it comes up with them or if it doesn’t or if problems occur, or if anything really. Any critisism about my site in its current mess would be great also.

Thank you in advance.

my site

not bad… :slight_smile:
like the colour combo…

i didnt see anything

u click on the mysite viper?

you spelled “Resources” wrong on your credits section.

just a heads up.

whoops! missed that one. Thank you. I’m a terrible speller (-:

Is there anyone on a slower connection such as dial up that can see the preloader at the start? It is supposed to appear when the frame opens slightly, then once loaded the frame opens fully. It would be great to find out if it is working cos i can’t see it at all, the tween is running smooth as if there was no preloader there at all.

Also is there any comments as to how i can make this site better, or is it ok?

I like the 3D thing… don’t really like the design and colour… just not my style. too plain… try have a changing BG

I don’t think i’m going to please everyone with the colour as it is. Some people like it, some hate it. Personally it is one of my favourite colours and was wanting a change from mainly white, black, silver or blue sites that i have done in the past or see a lot of these days.

You say it is very plain. Do you think I should start from scratch and try again? I’ve never been overall very happy with this site, however i’ve never usually been very happy with any site i’ve ever done.

Is there anyone that can see the preloader at the start? Cos if you do please put me out my misery and let me know.


Hi :slight_smile:

First of all, i must say i really like the combination of transparant red and dark purple (as i said in your guestbook :)) I think you should be very happy with this site ( i certainly would ). It has a very professional, tight, beautiful look. I love it. Now for some minor bugs:

  1. When you enter the site, the track number says Track 1, but actually track 5 is playing (go to track 5 then return to track 1 after your site has loaded, you’ll notice that suddenly track 1 has changed :slight_smile: )

  2. The SMIL project doesn’t launch.

  3. You might wanna change your site title, it says “Copy of folio”

  4. The left upper corner has some messy outline. Zoom in to it and you’ll see what i mean. Maybe this was supposed to be so, don’t know …

That’s about it … Love your site :slight_smile:


I don’t see any preloader. But, by the time that site loads, it shouldn’t be nessecary. How did you get the 3D to load so quick? Is it ActionScript?

On a sidenote, the site is good. I know the feeling about not liking any site you’ve written. I experience that myself. (-:

EDIT: voetsjoba, I would say the size is perhaps 550 x 800

Thank you very much for the kind comments. They are really appreciated.

As for the bugs, the SMIL project i haven’t uploaded yet, i’ve just got the space in the site ready waiting for it. The rest i completely missed (-: so i’ll get them sorted. Thanks Voetsjoeba. Also your question in the guestbook, the width and height of the movie is 800 x 400.

The 3D was done in Swift 3D then imported into Flash. No ActionScript. The star was originally put there as a space filler when i first made the template up for the site, with the intention of putting something better in its place, but i’ve kind of got used to it being there now and ended up liking it.

The movie is only 62.8KB and loads the content for each page when each of the buttons is pressed, and the music, from outside the main movie. I don’t know if thats maybe why the preloader is not coming up or not. who knows. I really don’t :-\

Again thank you for the kind comments :slight_smile:

Thank you julz :slight_smile: